As you begin to read this book, I acknowledge you for the courage it takes to inquire into the existence of your addictions, while creating access to personal growth. If you are reading this book, you are, at the very least, open to the idea that there must be an answer to everything you have survived during your human experience.
While I certainly do not represent what you will read as the ultimate truth, it may be one plausible point of view that will offer you the freedom to begin to live your life the way you’ve always dreamed. Your journey, until now, has been influenced by so many variables that this book will begin to address just a few. This is the journey you have been waiting for and an exploration of your life that will rock your world, as it has mine!
This is a summary of my own personal experiences in a search for the ultimate escape from the trap that was laid for me before I could formulate the words for my own experiences. We were the observers, pure in form, only souls that had just chosen this existence for a purpose that became obscured by the generations before us. There were only external queues, which we could not avoid. They came in as language, shaping the circuit board of the human brain, which would ultimately create an inescapable prison and deny us the freedoms we were born to enjoy. Let’s begin your journey together.